Discover The Soulful Sounds of Milagres


I recently had someone send me the album Glowing Mouth (Released – 9/13/2011) from Brooklyn-based band Milagres. This release is a must listen for fans of Grizzly Bear, Bon Iver—actually for anyone who enjoys beautiful music. This album carries a lot of emotion as it tells stories of past loves and more optimistic days.  The

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Handsome Furs are Unleashed at Slims


The Montreal based husband and wife duo of indie electronic rockers Handsome Furs – Dan Boeckner (Wolf Parade) and Alexei Perry – made a stop in San Francisco last night. The show at Slims was a part of a tour that is following-up the recent release of their third full length album Sound Kapital (Sub

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Shopping for Dresses with Starfucker


After my first time seeing Starfucker play at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco, last fall, I was hooked. This Portland based electro-pop band has been bringing dance floors alive with their fun lyrics and infectious snyth hooks since their start in 2007. As a band, they have been touring steadily while sometimes

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Getting to Know Norway’s Casiokids


Casiokids After spending some time studying in Norway, I have grown to love the Scandinavian culture. From the beautiful fjords to their music/art – I can’t get enough. Last fall, I discovered the fun, bubbly and addictive snyth-pop outfit Casiokids (Bergan, Norway) while they were out on the road with one of my favorite bands

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An Interview With Tammar


I recently stumbled upon the song “The Last Line” from the Bloomington, IN psych/indie/dreampop project Tammar and was really impressed. Tammar – “The Last Line” by OctopusWindmill After not being able to learn much about the band online I decided to contact them myself and was able to have a Q and A with band

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A Minute with The Drums


After my first time hearing “Let’s Go Surfing” by the Brooklyn born indie pop band The Drums I was hooked. Their sound is simple, catchy and addictive. Their debut self-titled album (Released in 2010) received a lot of buzz and they are now on the verge of releasing their second album Portamento (9/12). I recently

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