Glastonbury 2016: Day Four Coverage

Glastonbury by Maja Smiejkowska for Best New Bands

Somerset, UK – Sunday morning. Forgive me for starting with the weather once more. Thankfully, there had been no overnight rain at Glastonbury to speak of, yet ground conditions remained extremely muddy, and we were in for a largely overcast day with showers expected later. Of course, the weather is pretty fundamental to festivalgoers’ experiences, whether they are

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Billy Bibby On Life After Catfish

Billy Bibby by Desh Kapur - Best New Bands

London – There were many raised eyebrows in the summer of ’14 when founding lead guitarist Billy Bibby parted company with Catfish & The Bottlemen just as seven years of serious dues-paying were about to culminate in the release of subsequent hit album, The Balcony. Bibby seemed uncertain of his immediate plans beyond some song

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Catfish and the Bottlemen Perform on ‘Late Show With David Letterman’

Catfish And The Bottlemen

Los Angeles – Catfish and the Bottlemen perform their single “Kathleen” in their late night television debut on “Late Show with David Letterman”. The performance celebrates their debut LP The Balcony, out now via Communion Records. In addition, “Kathleen” recently reached #1 on Sirius XM’s Alt Nation and is charting in the top 20 on the Alternative Radio Chart. The band, who

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