Earshot Jazz Festival, a Preview


A grand congregation featuring over 50 shows of the nations most acclaimed and promising jazz musicians will form in Seattle on October 15 and conclude 23 days later on November 7. The annual Earshot Jazz festival, established in 1984, has become one of the largest jazz festivals on the West Coast. Canvassing an entourage of

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Seattle’s 2010 Decibel Festival Round-Up


The 2010 Decibel festival concluded last night with an explosive finale at Neumos in Seattle. The festival ran on for five days, from the Opening Gala at Pravada Studios on Wednesday, to the final echoing footstep departing late night from Neumos. After seeing exponential growth since its 2003 inception; the festival this year provided over

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Q&A with Beats Antique: Spreading Music, Culture, and Sustainable Living


Listening to Beats Antique is like immersing oneself into a musical melting pot of cultures. Combining Middle Eastern styles and other world music with dubstep, electronica, and roots music, Beats Antique sounds like nothing you’ve ever heard before (Check out Daniel Burnett‘s review of their performance at Seattle’s Decibel Festival here). The trio of isn’t

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Seattle’s Decibel Festival, a Preview


Seven years ago music enthusiast Sean Horton founded the Decibel Festival in Seattle, bringing to life an exhibition of his passion. The identity of the festival was the electronic music scene and the effect of it, in a city that predominantly revolves around hip-hop and rock, was outstanding. Over the course of its early years

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