Shopping for Dresses with Starfucker


After my first time seeing Starfucker play at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco, last fall, I was hooked. This Portland based electro-pop band has been bringing dance floors alive with their fun lyrics and infectious snyth hooks since their start in 2007. As a band, they have been touring steadily while sometimes wearing dresses and a controversial name (Starfucker, PYRAMID and Pyramiddd). On tour this past spring, they sold-out nearly every show and played to their largest audience ever earlier this month at Outside Lands in San Francisco. Before setting out on another monster fall tour, I had the chance to have a Q and A with Shawn Glassford (bass, keyboards, drums).


Dan Cordie: What was the first instrument that you learned to play and when did you decide that you wanted to create music?

Shawn Glassford: I played trumpet in 5th grade, but all I ever wanted to play was drums so I broke my trumpet.


DC: Who were some bands that inspired you when you were growing up?

SG: Fugazi was the first “punk” band I got into. And that kind of changed everything.


DC: Following an incredible response to Reptillians, have you started writing new music? If so, when do you hope to release new tracks?

SG: Lots of new music so far, probably won’t see release besides a track or two until summer next year.


DC: As a band that is touring so often, are you able to write while on the road?

SG: Yes, just sketches though, then we take those when we’re home and make em’ real.


DC: Who have been some of the most fun bands that you have toured with?

SG: Champagne Champagne was a rad group to be with, they’re super fun dudes.


DC: Describe the experience of playing at Outside Lands?

SG: It was pretty surreal. Made all of us feel a bit crazy, in a good way.


DC: Having seen you guys rocking out in dresses, I have to ask where did you pick them up?

SG: Mostly shitty thrift stores along the way. We’re kinda trashy that way.


DC: What would be your dream concert bill to be included on?

SG: Cher, Creed, and Peach Poopy.

DC: Until I see this concert come to life, my dreams will never be the same.

DC: If you had one chance to rename the band what would it be?

SG: Fuck Fucker.

DC: Nice choice, that’s probably the only name that would receive more heat than Starfucker.


DC: What do you hope to accomplish as a band in the upcoming year?

SG: We hope to go to Europe finally, and finally get Justin Bieber to retweet us.


Stay connected with Starfucker on Facebook and Twitter

Catch them live on their upcoming tour:

Friday, September 2 – Vancouver, BC, Canada - Electric Owl
Saturday September 3 – Seattle WA Seattle Center
Monday, September 5 – Salt Lake City, UT – Kilby Court
Tuesday, September 6 – Salt Lake City, UT – Urban Lounge
Wednesday, September 7 – Denver, CO – Bluebird Theater
Friday, September 9 – Nashville, TN – 12th And Porter
Saturday, September 10 – Atlanta, GA – Masquerade
Sunday, September 11 – Carrboro, NC – Cat’s Cradle
Monday, September 12 – Washington DC – Black Cat
Tuesday, September 13 – Philadelphia, PA – First Unitarian
Friday, September 16 – Brooklyn, NY – Knitting Factory
Saturday, September 17 – NYC, NY – Bowery Ballroom
Sunday, September 18 – Boston, MA – The Middle East
Monday, September 19 – Montreal, QC – Il Motore
Tuesday, September 20 – Toronto, ONT – Lee’s Palace
Wednesday, September 21 – Detroit, MI – Majestic Theatre
Friday, September 23 – Cincinnati, OH – Fountain Square
Saturday September 24 – Campaign, IL – The Highdive
Monday, September 26 – Chicago, IL – Lincoln Hall
Tuesday, September 27 – Chicago, IL – Lincoln Hall
Wednesday, September 28 – Milwaukee, WI – Turner Hall Ballroom
Thursday, September 29 – Northfield, MN – The Cave