5 New Bands to See at Riot Fest 2016

Riot Fest by Sarah Hess

Chicago – Ah, yes, it’s that time of year again – time to experience all four seasons while attending one of Chicago’s best music festivals: Riot Fest. For some, the chances of getting rained on, spending the weekend slowly walking through mud, and on the daily experiencing an Autumn morning, humid afternoon, and then a

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Diarrhea Planet Gets Serious

Diarrhea Planet by Wrenne Evans

Chicago – Over the last several years, Nashville’s music scene has been reborn. The city that was once known as a Country Mecca has now become the new hub for modern music, from punk and garage rock to indie and pop. It’s become the home for big dogs like Kings of Leon, Jack White, and

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Diarrhea Planet Melts Faces In Chicago

Diarrhea Planet live by Sarah Hess

Chicago – I’ve been sitting in Starbucks, staring at my MacBook, for about an hour, trying to figure out how to best describe what it’s like to witness Diarrhea Planet wreak havoc. There’s a whole lot of stage diving, crowdsurfing, moshing, thrashing, hair flying, hair pulling, beer tossing, sweat dripping, shouting and screaming, stage climbing, and of

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New Bands At Bonnaroo 2014


Nashville – Once a modest, band-centric festival, Bonnaroo has morphed into a monster of a weekend where roughly two hundred bands and thousands of people descend on the tiny town of Manchester, Tennessee from June 12-15. The festival’s biggest stage, What, will be lit up by the likes of Sir Elton John, Jack White, and

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