15 New Bands to See at Lollapalooza 2016

Lollapalooza by Shea Flynn - BEST NEW BANDS

Chicago – It’s late July, you’re standing in the middle of an open field in downtown Chicago, and there are multiple bass tones and distant drumbeats battling for your attention. Chances are you’re at Lollapalooza, and festival season is in full swing. The festival – one of the famed “Big 4” (the other three being Coachella, Bonnaroo, and Austin

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A Psychedelic Trip with Temples at Neumos


Seattle – Wednesday night at Seattle’s Neumos, the audience was treated to vibrant, energetic sounds of psychedelic pop rock and post-punk, thanks to Temples and Drowners. Coming from an afternoon of KEXP live studio sessions, the groups were warmed up and ready to take the stage with their too-cool-for-school attitude and infectious swagger. As Temples

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