White Hex – Gold Nights

White Hex on Best New Bands

Portland –Tara Green and Jimi Kritzler are an Australian duo who, under the moniker White Hex, have been making sleek, cold music that seems at odds with the bright-sunshine-and-blue-water image of their home country. It’s a contrast they’re fully aware of; labeling themselves, tongue planted firmly in cheek no doubt, as “tropical goth.” If White

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Eagulls at Doug Fir Lounge


Portland – Justified or not, Northern England has a reputation for heavy skies and stark industrial scenes. “Tramlines and slagheaps, pieces of machinery,” W.H. Auden once penned cheerily, describing his native region. As the saying goes in Southern England, “it’s grim up North.” Those supposedly gloomy climes above the Watford Gap have given rise to more than

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