Featured Artist: James Supercave

James Supercave - Best New Bands

Los Angeles – First things first: James Supercave is not an actual person, but the result of a long running collaboration between three musicians based in Los Angeles. Joaquin Pastor, Patrick Logothetti, and Andrés Villalobos have been playing together for years, and for the last three years they have called their current project James Supercave. The band released its debut

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Brian Fallon Goes It Alone

Brian Fallon - Best New Bands

Los Angeles – Brian Fallon has experienced quite a large degree of success over the course of his career. His most well known project, The Gaslight Anthem, rose from humble beginnings in New Brunswick, NJ to become a genuine crossover hit on major label-backed albums like Handwritten and Get Hurt. In some ways, the band’s

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The Black Queen Debuts In Los Angeles

The Black Queen - Best New Bands

Los Angeles – Those that were able to witness The Black Queen on a chilly winter night in Glendale were treated to an eclectic night of music, capped off by an impressive performance by the super-group from Los Angeles. The choice to perform at Complex in the less-than-trendy city of Glendale seemed a bit surprising,

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