Musicfest NW announces 2010 lineup


If you haven’t heard yet, the lineup for Portland’s Musicfest NW was just released and the lineup this year is nothing short of stellar. The festival is set all over the city, a bit like SXSW, in a wide range of venues, from tiny bars to the famous Crystal Ballroom. This year, the indoor festival

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Sasquatch! Roundup 2010*


I haven’t yet been to all the big American festivals (it’s the first thing on my bucket list), but from what I hear, Sasquatch! is by far the most beautiful. If you’ve actually been to The Gorge, it’s not hard to believe, but photographs just don’t do it justice. Regardless of the stunning scenery, Sasquatch!

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Coachella Preview: The XX

I first heard The XX’s debut album xx playing in Barnes & Noble (where I work). I immediately bought it. The band is fronted by singer-guitarist Romy Madley Croft and singer-bassist Oliver Sim, who sing  lust-filled songs of superficial romances and half-hearted promises of love. In the group’s most pop-driven song they sing “We watch

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