Sasquatch! in Review: Part Two

Continuing where we left off from my Sasquatch! in Review: Part One post, Saturday night of Sasquatch! had me waiting patiently for Robyn’s set to start at the Bigfoot stage. I tried to get into the Banana Shack dance tent to watch The Glitch Mob, but it was packed. What I could hear of the set, though, sounded great.


Robyn took the stage about half an hour later than scheduled, but she more than made up for it in the quality of her performance.

Kicking off with the electric song “Fembot,” Robyn sang and danced up a frenzy, playing favorites such as “Dancing On My Own” and “Hang With Me” from her Body Talk albums. From her voice, her moves and her enthusiasm, I could tell she was really putting her all into her performance.


dancing on her own – and doing just fine


Next week, Robyn will join Katy Perry on her American tour before heading overseas on her own European tour; check Robyn’s official website to find a show near you.

Now, my original intention was to catch Sleigh Bells before hitting up Bassnectar’s late-night dance party, but I was so cold and tired that I lamely trekked back to my campsite before Bassnectar started. (I tried to watch Sleigh Bells in the Banana Shack, but just like with Glitch Mob there were SO many people that I couldn’t get in. I did get to hear “Tell ‘Em,” though, and it sounded AMAZING. No wonder the place was so packed – I’m sad I didn’t get to watch them. Come back soon, Sleigh Bells!)

Sunday, day three of Sasquatch!, began for me with Beach House on the main stage. staffer Michael Rincon was right when he said, “Listening to Baltimore, Maryland’s dream pop duo Beach House is like basking away in a beautifully deep slumber. Their sound is centered around hypnotizing mellow instrumentation, synthesizers that at times are catchy and cryptic and vocals that seep into your mind and calm your ears.” (Read the rest of Michael’s artist profile here.) I loved Beach House’s ethereal set – great band to kick off another day of good music. Beach House has some European tour dates set for July; keep up with the band through its official site.

After Beach House, I wandered over to the Yeti stage and watched Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears, which was okay but not very impressive, and waited for Mad Rad to hit the stage.


from left to right: MCs Terry Radjaw, P Smoov and Buffalo Madonna work the already-hyped audience


Buffalo Madonna crowd-surfing

The guys of Mad Rad weren’t kidding when they said they were “out for stardom,” as previously featured in a pre-Sasquatch! piece – the four Seattle dudes hit the stage with intense energy, launching into “Party Mountain,” a song that fully encompasses the Sasquatch! attitude. They played a bunch of other songs off their album The Youth Die Young, including the title track, “The Machine,” and “I Want Your Blood.” While I enjoyed their album, I have to say that I was seriously blown away by Mad Rad’s live performance – the guys are like Ludacris meets the Beastie Boys.


from left to right: DJ Darwin, Terry Radjaw, P Smoov and Buffalo Madonna leading the crowd in a Gaga-esque hand motion


Mad Rad’s rabid fans ate up every song, and the boys gave them plenty of love. I can’t wait to catch these guys again in concert; check out Mad Rad’s official site for tour dates and other updates.

Up next on the Yeti stage was Das Racist, another act I’d been looking forward to. Bud Lights in hand, the guys started off with “Ek Shaneesh” from their Shut Up, Dude mixtape.

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left: Himanshu “Heems” Suri, right: Victor “Kool A.D.” Vazquez

While I loved their performance, I felt like their inebriation was getting a little out of control – but then they launched into an impromptu, a capella rendition of Usher’s “You Make Me Wanna,” and all was forgiven.


Heems and Kool A.D. joined by hypeman Ashok “Dap” Kondabolu

The guys entertained the crowd in their own half-serious way, changing up the lyrics to their viral hit “Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell” (“It was the best of times / it was the worst of times / it was the combination best of times and worst of times”) and cracking jokes at SoyJoy, one of the big food promoters at the venue. Keep an eye out on Das Racist’s official website to see when they’ll hit a town near you – you won’t want to miss them!

After Das Racist, I headed over to the Bigfoot stage in anticipation of Yeasayer’s set. I watched a little of Gayngs, which was good, though I didn’t stay long.


I recently watched Yeasayer perform at the University of Oregon, so I knew I was in for a good time at Sasquatch!. The guys performed favorites off their Odd Blood album, as well as some new, unreleased tracks. What was really impressive, and what I failed to capture up-close with my camera, was Yeasayer’s light show that went along with the performance – it completely changed my experience of the show.


After I’d gotten out of the photographers’ area and into the crowd, the music and the light show transported me away from a field in Washington to somewhere more tribal, more spiritual. But that’s just me; Yeasayer could perform in a parking lot and I’d still have an amazing time. Yeasayer’s currently on tour, so check the band’s Facebook page for updates.

The last act I caught Sunday night was MSTRKRFT, who seriously blew me away. I’m not sure how to describe this mash-up DJ duo besides “badass,” but these Canadian dudes mixed up one fiery, fast-paced dance party, and I loved every second of it, even when my energy drink from the afternoon left me passing out in the Red Bull tent opposite the Banana Shack. I walked back to my camp with my friends, eager to hit the hay in preparation for what would be the last, and most badass, day of Sasquatch!.

Check back for my last installment of my Sasquatch! Music Festival experience, which will feature acts such as Chromeo, Guided by Voices, Skrillex, Major Lazer and more!

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