Artist of the Week: Tame Impala


Heavy, fuzzy, psychedelic guitar rock can come from the darndest places. Whether it be the mighty Led Zeppelin, who defined the genre, to Black Sabbath, who obliterated it. Now, there’s a new band that can play a similar role, albeit 40 years later. They hail from Perth, Australia and are called Tame Impala. As we’ve

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Q&A: Matt Holliman of Sleepy Sun


Recently, Sleepy Sun got a huge breakthrough when they were announced as the opener for one of the hottest names in indie rock, Austin’s The Black Angels. Though the tour isn’t going to commence until April, the band is doing its best to build on the momentum of this announcement. With their sound described by

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BNBTV Spotlight: Phantom Tails, “All Good Things”

phantom_tails   I have a really big crush on Minneapolis right now.  I get butterflies in my stomach thinking of Twin Cities acts such as Atmosphere, The Goondas (check them out on, Zoo Animal, and, now, up-and-comers Phantom Tails.  Phantom Tails’ influences cover basically the entire spectrum of music and then some—from Chopin to

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BNBTV Spotlight: The Goondas, “Jackalope Jesus” Remember the days when rock n’ roll was really rock n’ roll? When it was largely feared by the masses, when reeling guitars caused echoing screams, and lead singers shook and convulsed on stage like madmen, scaring but captivating mindblown audiences?  Before bands like Linkin Park turned everyone around you into a Hot-Topic-frequenting idiot

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