5 New Bands to See at Riot Fest 2016

Riot Fest by Sarah Hess

Chicago – Ah, yes, it’s that time of year again – time to experience all four seasons while attending one of Chicago’s best music festivals: Riot Fest. For some, the chances of getting rained on, spending the weekend slowly walking through mud, and on the daily experiencing an Autumn morning, humid afternoon, and then a

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Live Review: Bleached At The Glass House


Los Angeles – The Glass House on Saturday felt like a high school dance.  Between the gymnasium floor, the Christmas trees on stage, the red and green spotlights and the floating, twirling mirror ball hanging from the ceiling rafters… It was romantic.  Like Christmas. And then there was the youth factor. “My first boyfriend was

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Featured Artist: Bleached


  Today’s styling of punk music is harder to find than before. This can be attributed to the watered down version of pop punk that nearly destroyed the genre and turned punk from a lifestyle and attitude into just another cash cow. While bands we won’t mention did their best to kill it, there have

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