The LA-via-England singer-songwriter released her fourth album, Once I Was an Eagle, May 27 on Ribbon Music and, while I’m not one to typically be so blunt, it’s entirely wonderful. When Marling introduced her set at Seattle’s Columbia City Theater on May 15, she opened with these four tracks and, before the album was out, released a movie featuring them. Before May 27, then, I was laboring under the delusion that Once I Was an Eagle began with one epic twenty minute track. This supposition was only slightly incorrect.
Even though “Take The Night Off,” “I Was an Eagle,” “You Know” and “Breathe” are technically their own songs, Once I Was an Eagle does, in fact, start with an epic nearly twenty minute song combination of these tracks that introduces the album with a strong an invigorating voice from the 23 year old Marling. While these songs can be separated and listened to on their own, to do so would be a disservice to what Marling has done with her latest release.
Lucky for us, even after this marathon introduction there’s much more brilliance to come. Marling, who at such a young age already has a shockingly prolific repertoire, has certainly established herself as one of the more mature female singer-songwriters today. She’s confident enough with her career to take risks and create less pop-driven ballads than she previously has and is introducing us to a darker, more blues-driven, Marling (but doing so while retaining that prodigious delicacy that makes her).
The album’s first single, “Master Hunter” is a cut example of her maturing transition. In this track, she’s again chosen to play with her guitar alone which makes the depth of tones and fullness of sound that she’s able to accomplish all the more impressive. In a fit of honesty, we can admit that Marling is just a proficient guitarist, but is by no means a legendary player. Her legend, rather, will spawn from her songwriting ability and the emotions she’s able to draw from listeners. Once I Was an Eagle is a lengthy album, but even after 16 long songs you won’t be ready for it to end.
Once I Was an Eagle is available on her official website, where you can also sit attentively waiting to find out when she’ll be back on tour (hopefully soon).