Featured Artist: Laura Marling


If you were to tell someone in, oh let’s say 1995, that Britpop would be kaput and West End British folk would be on top of the world nearly 20 years later, many people would have laugh and likely think that you should be institutionalized. Yet here we are in 2013 and all things folk,

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Catching Up With Luther Russell


Veteran musical renaissance man Luther Russell is set to release his fifth LP, a double-length entitled The Invisible Audience, on July 12th on his own Ungawa Records.  The double album will make up for lost time, since Russell hasn’t released an album since 2007’s Repair, which was produced by the legendary Ethan Johns. Though he

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Q&A with UK’s Smoke Fairies


photo by Maria Mochnacz Smoke Fairies is one of those bands whose name is simply perfect to describe their sound: dark, beautiful, and mysterious. But don’t for a second think that the feminine name translates to”typical girl band”: London duo Katherine Blamire and Jessica Davies sparked a school friendship in the late 90′s over a

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