Get PSYCH-ed For Austin Psych Fest!


So Spring Break is so five minutes ago which means it’s onto planning how you’ll be Spring-ing into the Summer festival season. Lucky for us Austin is getting us amped for the fourth annual Austin Psych Fest! Grab your closest music friends and fiends and get to jetting over to a fest that will blow your mind with copious amounts of psychadelia and a never-ending array of auditory tricks and treats.

Battling time differences, and a musically masochistic schedule, I got to catch up with Christian Bland of The Black Angels to get the lowdown on who they’re stoked to see- and a little of their on-tour shenanigans.

Lauren Novik: So let’s talk about your main musical influences for a second.

Christian Bland: Well, my favorite album is The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, the first Pink Floyd album. My dad had a pretty cool record collection going on- a bunch of Bob Dylan, the Beatles- so I used to just listen to that all the time. Then I saw Apocalypse Now when I was about 13 and got into The Doors, and that opened me up to the Velvet Underground- it’s sort of like you discover one band and then another door’s opened to several more.

LN: Would you say these are the main influences for the band as a whole- or are they different from member to member?

CB: I’d say they’re pretty much the same- that’s kind of why we work so well together!

LN: Well, you guys have been touring non-stop- happy to hear you’re all getting along!

CB: We really do! You know we have our little fights but for the most part we all get along. We’ve loved together with each other for a while now- so we’re used to being in close quarters.

LN: Little bit of the family vibe going on!

CB: Exactly! It’s kind of the best way for a band to be successful is to live together.


LN: So you guys are getting ready for another great year at Austin Psych Fest!

CB: This will be our fourth year doing the festival- we run the festival.

LN: Would you say this is your favorite festival out of the year, hold any special meaning?

CB: It’s really a chance for us to invite all our friends’ bands to town and just throw a party!


LN: Well fest season is getting into gear- you played SXSW, gearing up for Psych Fest- any other fests on your radar?

CB: We’ll be playing Bonnaroo, Primavera Festival- and I think some over in England too!


LN: So speaking of all the great shows coming up- any pre-show vices or rituals for TBA?

CB: You know- maybe…..but probably better left unsaid!

LN: We’ll go ahead and put a parental advisory on this interview then!


LN: Okay- so you finally get a vacation and you end up on a deserted island and can only bring three CD’s- go!

CB: Well, one would definitely have to be The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, Psychocandy- Jesus and Mary Chain’s album- and- the Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds.


LN: Craziest story to happen on tour thus far?

CB: Man- those questions are always so hard- the entire tour is pretty crazy. There’s not a lot of time for rest!

LN: Who needs sleep anyway.

CB: Well, we’re actually on a bus now- so we have been getting a little more sleep!

LN: Moving up in the world!


LN: So back to the future- who are you most excited to check out at this year’s Austin Psych Fest?

CB: Crystal Stilts is one of my favorite bands and they’re playing this year! And Spectrum- those are probably the two highlights for me!


LN: Now I know you guys are multitasking like it’s going out of style- what’s up next for TBA in twenty-eleven, just touring or any plans to get back into the recording studio?

CB: I’m HOPING we’ll be able to get back to recording in Fall- just get back into the studio and start recording our next album!

LN: We will DEFINITELY be on the lookout!

Christian went back to life North of our border to get ready for their show in Montreal tonight- and even sans the explicit answers you know the band majoring in psychadelic retro rock is worth checking out. Based on TBA the lineup for this year’s psych fest is insanely stellar- and we’re all looking forward to another great year in a state where everything’s bigger- including their rock and reckless lineups!

(FULL LINEUP INCLUDES: Roky Erickson • Spectrum • The Black Angels • Omar Rodriguez Lopez Group • Black Moth Super Rainbow • Prefuse 73 • Atlas Sound • A Place To Bury Strangers • Crystal Stilts • Crocodiles • Tobacco Fresh and Onlys • Sleepy Sun • The Growlers • Indian Jewelry • Black Ryder • Beach Fossils • This Will Destroy You • Cold Sun • The Soft Moon • Radio Moscow • No Joy • Dirty Beaches • The Night Beats • White Hills • Pontiak • Black Hollies • Beaches • The Quarter After • Lumerians • Woodsman • Young Prisms • ZAZA • Lower Heaven • Shapes Have Fangs • Christian Bland • Bass Drum of Death • The Meek • Blue Angel Lounge • The Cult of Dom Keller • Cloudland Canyon • Zechs Marquis • ST37 • Vacant Lots • The Diamond Center • Rishi Dhir • Pete International Airport • Shine Brothers • Daughters of the Sun • Weird Owl • Wall of Death • Ghost Box Orchestra • The Sky Drops • Tjutjuna • Chris Catalena • Holy Wave • Hellfire Social • AND SPECIAL GUESTS)

All you Texas kids and Austin Psych Fest goers can catch The Black Angels at APF April 29- May 1! For those west coast kids that can’t make it never fear- TBA will be playing at the El Rey Sunday, May 15!