BackStory: Kathryn Ostenberg’s “The Starting Line”


This week’s BackStory entry comes from friend of the site and former Artist in Residence Kathryn Ostenberg. In addition to sharing the lyrics and story to a brand new song, she recorded an exclusive video of it (below), so enjoy!

Hello readers! So- this is a brand new song…I finished it today…(7/17/2010) It’s called ‘The Starting Line’ I think…or at least for now that is the title I’ve decided on. The song in general focuses on how sometimes it’s super easy to get tangled up in the past, present, and future with relationships…that’s where I often find myself…wondering about what just happened, what is happening and what is about to happen (even though in all reality I have no clue what the future holds 5 minutes from now). This song came about amidst a ridiculous bout with writer’s block…A few months ago I put my foot down, and told myself I was going to write about something other than love, boys, heartbreak and all that good stuff…Mainly because somewhere along the way I was like, ‘wow I’m tired of writing about all this stuff…’ However, I’ve always been a huge advocate of wearing your heart on your sleeve, l’m a lover of love etc…and all of a sudden I was becoming one of those people that doesn’t do that…acting like everything is completely fine when it’s not, keeping my guard up and being all tough and stuff..and WOW!  I found that to be quite exhausting. So consequently, out came the guitar, the pen and the paper and I wrote a new song about the idea of how I felt when keeping everything to myself and the risk that comes with the consequences of not putting it all out there, and putting my heart on the line etc…Writing this  song for me was kind of like saying…wait a second…I want a do-over. I want to rewind to the beginning when it was simple to say what I was feeling at that moment, jump in with out a second thought, and just go for it. So, enough rambling for now- I hope you enjoy my newest song ‘The Starting Line’.



The Starting Line
i don’t know much
about giving up
but its not the same
as walking away
down then up
like a roller coaster i want off
but i can’t seem to find my way
maybe i’m in over my head
so much to say but i stay quiet instead
you were the one, the one
i didnt say what i wanted to say
and now its too late
I want to take it back can i
rewind i wanna just rewind
cuz back at the start nobody had a broken heart
back at the start nobody had a broken heart
so lets just go back ,
lets just go back
go back to the starting line
i used to sing songs
about the loves i’ve lost
but they don’t matter now
its like they don’t exist at all
and all of this time you were standing right in front of me
the boy with the good heart
and now i see
maybe its because i see myself in you
they say when you know
you just know and what if i knew that
you were the one, the one
i didn’t say what i wanted to say
and now its too late
I want to take it back can I
rewind I wanna just rewind
cuz back at the start nobody had a broken heart
back at the start nobody had a broken heart
so lets just go back ,
lets just go back
go back to the starting line