BNBTV Spotlight: Ill, “A”

This week we have before us a video that has long been in the queue for recognition.  I have talked to the band Ill a little and, in true rock star fashion, they deferred from consistence responses.  I have not heard from them since.  So, I figured why not give them a little credit for honesty and keeping the archetypal rocker character alive and well.

Anyways, here’s a fat dose of hard rock for you from this Atlanta band.  They’re adamantly outspoken against record labels, you will find, and maybe they’ve channeled some of their commercial hatred into their music.  Ironically, my first thoughts upon listening to this song, A, is that it sounds like Kings of Leon‘s Caleb Followill in a heavy rock/metal band (This, to me, is a good thing.).  Also–more fun facts–the guitarist, Ryan Waters, plays guitar for Sade.  With talent like that, these outspoken guys clearly aren’t messing around.