Northside Festival 2012


It’s almost time for Northside Festival 2012! This festival, which earned it’s name from taking place around the north side of Brooklyn, is one of my favorite festivals. It’s a lot like CMJ, except it’s only in Brooklyn, i.e., most shows happen within walking distance of each other. Ok, so maybe I’m partial because it all happens in my hood, but even if it didn’t, it would still be one of the best reasons to clear my schedule for several shows a day, plus film screenings, music business-related panels, and general good times with good friends – not to mention meeting new interesting people hanging out around the neighborhood in the summertime. Northside takes place June 14-21 this year, so for all my Brooklyn neighbors, clear your schedules and come hang out. For everyone outside the borough, you’re invited too.

There are so many bands playing the fest that we’re excited about here at that it’s hard to know where to begin, but here goes with a few bands that are most certainly on our radar this year:

Ice Choir – synthpop project from Kurt Feldman of The Depreciation Guild and this other band called The Pains of Being Pure at Heart. Ice Choir is a way for Feldman to pay tribute to all those guilty pleasure 80s new wave bands, which may explain why his vocals sound like a more woozy George Michael.

NYMPH – The soundtrack to your next wild psychedelic Pagan party in the woods.

Dustin Wong – He’s still often preceded with the “ex-Ponytail” descriptor, but catching this guitar looping virtuoso live is proof every time of how well his solo work stands on it’s own.

Turbo Fruits – For fans of JEFF the Brotherhood, and anyone not afraid to taste the sweat of strangers.

Wojcik – Female-fronted band that brings the best of female-fronted 90s grunge to mind.

Crazy Pills – band of punky girls who make energetic, lo-fi, throwback songs that could be what the Supremes might have sounded like if they had been greasers.

That’s just to name a few. The music schedule has just recently been posted, but even more bands may still be confirmed, so as Mid-June approaches there could be even more music to check back on. Keep an eye out for updates on Facebook and Twitter, and grab your festival badges here.