Cayucas Brings Surfy Pop-Rock to Barboza

Cayucas live by Caitlin Peterkin

Seattle – As the days are gradually getting shorter, cooler, and cloudier, Seattleites are relentlessly seeking ways to clutch on to those last days of summer. Last week, there was no perfect place to be than in Capitol Hill’s Barboza, where music lovers were treated to the breezy, atmospheric sounds of California-based band, Cayucas, on

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Featured Artist: Cayucas


Over the past few years, along with electronic music, indie pop bands have found themselves in the unfamiliar position of becoming fixtures on alt rock stations, but also pop radio. Groups like Grouplove, fun. and Passion Pit, have redefined what it means to be a popular band and have dominated both airwaves and commercials. Collectively,

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