A Whirlwind Named Savannah Lynne

Savannah Lynne

Nashville – Savannah Lynne and her family uprooted a year ago, leaving their home state of Hawaii for Nashville, TN. The teenaged country singer released her first EP in 2013, appropriately titled Aloha Nashville, and has been on a hot streak since. In addition to rising toward the top in an ever-growing and competitive field, Savannah Lynne also contributes her musical time and talent to causes that are close to her heart.

Best New Bands had an opportunity to sit down with Savannah Lynne in her home recording studio to discuss her success, her journey, and what’s next for this country girl.

You called your debut EP Aloha Nashville. Is it important that people who listen to your music understand the distance you’ve come and what you left behind to come to Nashville?

It’s very important that my fans understand that I come from Hawaii. (It’s) who I am. Hawaii’s a big part of that. It’s crazy important to me.

You and your dad worked closely together on Aloha Nashville. Are you two regular collaborators? Has he been a big musical influence on you?

My dad is the love of my life. He taught me how to write songs, and how fun it can be to express yourself through music. I had so much fun working on Aloha Nashville with him. I’m excited to continue working and recording with him as a team. He and my mom are my biggest supporters.

Do you guys write songs together?

He loves to write and I love to write. It’s so cool to have someone to do that with. We usually work with another co-writer as well.

You do a lot of live performances at charitable events. Is there a person or event that influenced you to give your talents to charity?

I’ve always been big on helping others. My grandfather was a big influence on me in that regard before he passed away. It’s great to take something you have and give to someone else. It’s a very good feeling. I’m a huge supporter of the Semper Fi Fund. Also, my best friend’s mom is a cancer survivor, so I do a lot of work for that cause as well.

Who’s out there that you want to collaborate with?

In the future I look forward to writing with Natalie Hemby. She doesn’t know it yet, but we’re going to write a hit song together! I love her music. Almost all of my favorite songs were written by her. I’m really looking forward to that.

Do you feel closer to country music since moving to Nashville?

Nobody believes it, but there is a lot of country music in Hawaii! I grew up on country music, but I definitely feel closer to it since moving here. It’s completely raised my bar because there is so much talent here. There are people walking down the street with an incredible amount of talent, maybe even more than some of the stars. I feel so close to country music here.

What new things can we expect from you as you close out 2014 and head into 2015?

I’m releasing two new EPs at the end of the year/the beginning of next year. I’m keeping the titles a secret, but everyone will find out soon enough! Also, two of my songs are being featured in the Sylvester Stallone movie Reach Me, which comes out November 21. I’m very excited to go to the premiere and see how all of that works.


BestNewBands.com is pleased to present a series of articles about worthy artists that came to us via our Artist Discovery program with ReverbNation, the website that provides over three million music industry professionals with powerful easy-to-use technology to promote and prosper online. Look for additional artist profiles in the weeks and months ahead.

Kevin Ott

Kevin Ott

Originally from Trenton, NJ, Kevin Ott currently resides in Nashville, TN. He grew up playing guitar and bass in central NJ's punk rock scene and listening to Van Halen and KISS records. He is a 2011 graduate of William Paterson University with bachelor's degrees Environmental Science and Earth Science. He writes about music, environmental conservation and the outdoors. He likes running, hiking, playing banjo, and reading. Follow him on twitter & instagram: @nashresonator
Kevin Ott