So Saint Motel brought the dead back to life for the third consecutive year in a row- and they definitely did it with a bang! The undead were swarming around downtown’s Hotel Alexandria anxiously awaiting this year’s coveted pre-valentine’s day event, displaying it’s not enough to give one’s heart- it’s better if you eat it too!
My (dinner) date and I were lucky enough to get there early and hang with the boys of Saint Motel during the craziness and general chaos of soundcheck- and it was no secret that this event had me as excited as everyone else- including a forced in-car wardrobe change to decompose myself to the assessed appropriate level!
Donned in blood and carnal couture I waltzed back into the ballroom where White Arrows were about to take stage. Zombies all around we’re completely dressed to the 9’s in order to compete for attention at this year’s prom!
In addition to the expected insanity, Saint Motel, a band never short on surprises joined with the UCLA Brain Research Institute, and encouraged everyone to help the great cause. Aside from fake blood, guts, and generic gross-ness, the four boys of Saint Motel we’re now showing that they really do like chicks for their brains.
Admittedly this was my first zombie prom, but it’s no secret that I’ll be adding this to my annual don’t miss list! Saint Motel never cease to amaze (bringing the dead back to life was accomplished in style- I have high hopes for alchemy next!) and though there will be an insane amount of talented acts at SXSW- I will definitely make sure not to miss any one of their highly anticipated showcases! Check back soon at www.bestnewbands.com for an in depth look at Saint Motel’s behind the scenes shenanigans as they get ready for SXSW twenty-eleven!
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