New band to watch: Post Post

Photo by Neal Santos

I discovered Post Post thanks to a good friend of mine who happened to recently graduate from Bryn Mawr, an all-women’s liberal arts college just outside of Philadelphia. As at most small schools, everyone seems to know everyone’s business, which has probably only helped launch Post Post into the realm of rising indie music stars. The band that formed in a dorm room at Bryn Mawr in 2008 has released an EP (Meta Meta) of five songs and is now working in a real studio, not just on Garage Band, to release another EP later this summer.

Post Post has thus far created carefree, likable indie-pop grounded by singer-songwriter Michelle Zauner’s earnest vocals and playful lyrics. Zauner, who used to be known as Little Girl, Big Spoon, has an unexpected confidence in her voice for a 21-year-old, and the band’s catchy melodies are simple but surprisingly irresistible. “Say When” is the band’s signature song as of yet, but “Drafts” and “Architects” are close behind.

While the band isn’t going on a full tour anytime soon (they have a year of college left, after all), watch for the release of their second EP late this summer. In the meantime, head over to AwkwardCore to download Meta Meta for free!