The dilemma of August 29th


I mentioned ages ago that I was planning to attend Outside Lands in San Francisco the weekend of Aug 28-30. I’ve been jockeying for a job at the festival since January, and under the press of conflicting responsibilities that same week, I reluctantly asked to be withdrawn from consideration. (A decision I am still remarkably

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Big vox: Michelle Armstrong

Thursday night was busy as I caught three shows in three clubs, including Dirty Sweet with co-blogger Leona. But before I made it over to Silverlake, I stopped by Genghis Cohen on Fairfax to see a buddy of mine play drums. He was backing hometown talent Michelle Armstrong, a persuasive singer-songwriter with a big voice.

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Dirty Sweet @ Spaceland, 7/16/09

Well, it took almost exactly two years, but I have finally made it to a second Dirty Sweet show. I’d say that it was worth the wait, but honestly I wish I’d made it out to see them again sooner. “Born to Bleed” and one more song