BackStory: Brad Brubaker’s “A Lullaby to Make the Nightmares Go Away”


This week Chicago musician Brad Brubaker talks about his song “A Lullaby to Make the Nightmares Go Away” from his album For My Enemies, With Love. On August 27, he opens for PIMProv at Chemicially Unbalanced Theatre, where he will sing and do funny stuff. His next straight music gig is at a gay bar: September 21 at the Wild Pug.

She was an arty insomniac and I had a party balloon crush. Of course I stayed up all night with her. Acted like I did that all the time. Class schmass. We could just zombie-nod our way through tomorrow’s discussion about that play by Jane Martin; we both knew it like the back of the hand that just smacked our faces. What would you choose: six more hours of your life spent unconscious or a backscratch from a post-goth dreamgirl?

I am grateful to you for listening and hope you enjoy this song, especially the ending. You can hear more of my music on iTunes or at

Love always,
Brad Brubaker

A Lullaby to Make the Nightmares Go Away from Brad Brubaker on Vimeo.


A Lullaby to Make the Nightmares Go Away:

I had best intentions
And one hell of an ambition
And where did it get me?

I tried so damn hard
I tried so damn hard
And where did it get me?

I know I’m a bitter soul
But that was not my goal
The only thing I wanted
Was a chance with you

But you were so naive
In all that believe
And you had certain things figured out
About every guy before you met me

And you wouldn’t know the perfect thing if it bit you in the ass
But guess what
Just because you’re Jill
Doesn’t make me Jack

You spread your arms wide
And hug me like you do
Your body is this perfect shape
I wish was more like you

All that beauty gone to waste
On the nicest girl to have so much self-hate
And I’ve had dreams where all I did was kiss your skin

So I’d like you to sleep tight
And get some rest tonight
Though you tell me that’s a day that will never come

I’m not saying it will
But what can I say Jill?
I’d like to write a lullaby to make your nightmares go away

And you wouldn’t know the perfect thing if it bit you in the ass
But guess what
Just because your Jill
Doesn’t make me Jack
I’d do almost anything, but I won’t bite you in the ass
So move on
The only thing you get is this stupid song

How I tried
To write a dear sweet lullaby
To try to put this all to rest

Though denied
Another crisp autumn romance
I’ll try to put this all to rest

Here it is
Your dear sweet lullaby
Though it won’t rest your eyes

This is it
Your dear sweet lullaby
My attempt, though hopeless