Interview with The Wilderness of Manitoba


Music video – “Orono Park” The Wilderness of Manitoba, is a five-piece chamber folk ensemble from (surprise!) Canada. After I saw their creative and beguiling music video for “Orono Park“, I found myself whistling the chorus for hours after.  Last week I spoke to guitarist and vocalist Scott Bouwmeester (pictured far left above) before the

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Neon Hymns – Artist of the Week


Editors Note: Our Artist-Of-The-Week feature is on, a hopefully brief, hiatus. We plan to return to action by mid-October with a very special two part feature. Until then, we’re going to take a page from our television brethern and repeat a couple of our most popular installments. Enjoy. Introducing Neon Hymns, our fourth official Artist

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OK SWEETHEART – Artist of the Week


OK SWEETHEART–”Home” OK SWEETHEART is a modern band rooted in late 60′s pop, or what the band describes as “heartbreak pop”. Consisting of core members lead singer Erin Austin and Rob Gungor, the project also claims several alums as collaborators on the group’s full-length debut Home, including Elizabeth Ziman of Elizabeth & the Catapult

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Frankie of The Safes talks playing with family, their back catalog, and finding home on the road Updated!


“She’s So Sad” On The Safes‘ Facebook page, the Chicago-based trio describe themselves is described as “pop tunesmiths who play with punk rock intensity”(Go Metric). After a brief listen to the song and “She’s So Sad” above, it’s hard not to agree with them. Consisting of core members (and brothers) Frankie and Patrick O’Malley who

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