Earshot Jazz Festival, a Preview


A grand congregation featuring over 50 shows of the nations most acclaimed and promising jazz musicians will form in Seattle on October 15 and conclude 23 days later on November 7. The annual Earshot Jazz festival, established in 1984, has become one of the largest jazz festivals on the West Coast.

Canvassing an entourage of jazz and blues expressions – from Delta to Big Band to Swing – The Earshot Jazz festival incorporates a plethora of intellectual and warming musicianship. Specific forms of jazz are loosely followed from show to show, however the festival itself presents a varied display of innovation and its different forms in jazz.

The festival will provide both an entertaining and educational experience. Workshops will be hosted by known touring musicians in local schools covering both the theory and practice of jazz music. Brief residencies in regional area institutions will be held by national artists such as Carla Bley and Jane Ira Bloom.

Additional projects and events will take place as a part of the festival. Each one will pay tribute to the experimental nature of jazz and music, while fostering new and talented artists from around the country. The events include:

  • Annual Golden Ear and Hall of Fame Awards to honor area jazz artists
  • Commissions of new works by recognized artists
  • Benefit fund raising concerts for school and community jazz programs
  • Leadership roles in national and regional jazz touring groups
  • Jazz advocacy programs

14 locations throughout Seattle have opened their doors to the festival’s events and shows, from Capitol Hill to Downtown to Ballard. The University District Jazz Walk will include an additional 16 locations around one of the most lively and populated areas in Seattle.

This year a Gold Pass is offered by the Earshot festival, which will give complete access to all the affiliated concerts. Other discounts are available on a show by show basis for members, as well as special offers for students, seniors and frequent buyers.

A slew of musicians from all over the country will converge on Seattle to construct a portrayal of the continual experimentation and inspiration in music. Over the course of the Earshot Jazz festival I will be covering certain new, promising musicians. Check back to see more.

To find out more information about the festival tickets and order the Gold Pass check here. To see the venues that host the festival’s shows check here.